Start Your Own Business

You just spent another December tied to your desk and January is not turning out quite the way you had envisaged? Are you sharing all your best business ideas with your friends and frustrated that you just don't know how to start? Get started now!


1. Test The Waters
Use your social network to find 10 potential clients. Posting in facebook groups can help you learn more about the best fit for your ideas. A small test run will reveal what your ideal client is looking for.

Start an Etsy store to do a small product launch. You'll quickly see whether the market is ready for your product offer.

Write Your Business Plan (photo - worklondonstyle)

Write Your Business Plan (photo - worklondonstyle)

2. Hatch A Plan
Employ the Business Model Canvas tool to assist in writing a one page business plan. Ideally your plan will include an assessment of your ideal client(target market), your price points and packages, your marketing plan,  the competition and points of differentiation.

Create a Life You Don't Need a Vacation From (photo - worklondonstyle)

Create a Life You Don't Need a Vacation From (photo - worklondonstyle)

3. Give To Get
Create some free offers to build a list of potential customers. Give away your best stuff. Nobody is going to buy if the sample is not irresistible. When you honour your potential customer in this way, they will assume that what they will be buying is even better that what you are offering for free.

4. Get Visible
Step away from your laptop. Get your first client. Nobody is in business until someone buys something.

You need feedback from your target market. If needed, run a special offer to test your assumptions about your ideal service or product.

Speak to your tribe on Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest. Start a vlog.

5. Tools Of The Trade
Don't break the bank. Limit your start-up costs. Build a website on WordPress or Squarespace. Manage your mailing list with Aweber or MailChimp.

Use free online tools like Canva and Monogram It to design a logo and pictures with product info.

Get registered with one of many shopping-cart tools like PayPal. Google analytics will let you monitor traffic to see what's working on your site.

6. Manage The Money
Open a separate business account to help you keep on top of your budget and revenue. Celebrate your success.

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